Chez Toni, Restaruant - Bucuresti

Gustari reci

Toate preparatele sunt servite cu ulei de maslineAll dips served with olive oil

Hommous (pasta de naut cu tahini si lamaie / puree of chick peas blended with tahina and lemon juice)

Hommous Beiruty (pasta de naut cu tahini, lamaie, ceapa, patrunjel, ardei si boia iute / puree of chick peas blended with tahina, lemon juice, onion, parsley, chilli)

Hommous bi lahme / Hommous cu carne / Hommous with Meat (pasta de naut cu tahini, lamaie, carne de miel / puree of chick peas blended with tahina, lemon juice, lamb meat)

Hommous bi snauber / Hommous cu muguri de pin / Hommous with pines nuts (pasta de naut cu tahini, lamaie, muguri de pin / puree of chick peas blended with tahina, lemon juice, pines nuts)

Hommous lahme-snauber / Hommous carne & muguri de pin / Hommous with meat & pines nuts (pasta de naut cu tahini, lamaie, muguri de pin, carne de miel / puree of chick peas blended with tahina, lemon juice, pines nuts, lamb meat)

Hommous bi shaworma / Hommous cu shaworma / Hommous with shaworma (pasta de naut cu tahini, lamaie, shaworma de vita / puree of chick peas blended with tahina, lemon juice, beef shaworma)

Moutabal (vinete coapte cu tahini, lamaie, / smoky grilled eggplant blended with tahina, lemon juice)

Baba Gannouj (vinete coapte cu ceapa, usturoi, ardei gras, patrunjel, lamaie, sos de rodie / smoky grilled eggplant mixt with garlic, onions, mild pepper, parsley, tahina, lemon juice, pomegranate)

Labne (crema de iaurt proaspata / fresh home made cream yoghurt) Labne bi toum / Labne cu usturoi si menta / Labne with garlic and mint (crema de iaurt proaspata cu usturoi si menta / fresh home made cream yoghurt with garlic and mint) Jibne wa zaatar /

Branza cu cimbru / White cheese with Zaatar (Branza cu cimbru marinat si boia iute / white cheese with marinated thyme and cilli)

Shanklish (Specialitate de branza condimentata cu cimbru, rosie , ceapa si patrunjel / spicy aged cheese in thyme with diced tomato, onions and parsley) Jibne Halloumi / Branza Halloumi la gratar / Grilled Halloumi cheese (Branza Halloumi la gratar / Grilled Halloumi cheese)

Salatit zeitoun / Salata de masline / Olives salad (masline verzi cu cimbru, nuca, ceapa, rosii, lamaie, patrunjel / green olives, thyme, wallnuts, onions, tomato, lemon juice and parsley)

Salatit batata / Salata de cartofi / Potatoes salad (cartofi fierti cu ceapa, lamaie, patrunjel / boiled potatoes with onions, lemon juice and parsley) Batata harra / Salata de cartofi iuti /

Spicy Potatoes (cubulete de cartof prajit cu coriandru, usturoi si pasta de ardei iute diced fried potatoes with garlic, cilli and coriander) Warak ' arish /

Sarmale de post / Vine leaves (sarmale in foi de vita cu orez, rosii, ceapa si condimente vine leaves rolls filled with rice, tomato, onions, herbs, spices) Loubyeh bil zeit /

Fasole verde / Green beans (mancare de fasole verde cu suc de rosii / greeen beans cooked and simmered with our favourite spices and tomato juice Mousakaa (mancare de vinete cu rosii si condimente / eggplant cooked with tomato, onions and spices) Bamieh /

Bame / Okra (mancare de bame cu rosii, ceapa si condimente / okra cooked with tomato, onions and spices)

Moudardara linte cu orez, ceapa si condimente / cooked lentil with rice, onions and spices)

Mouhamara (pasta de nuca cu ulei de masline si boia iute wallnuts puree mixt with olive oil and paprika)

Bastourma (muschi file de vita uscat cu condimente speciale dried beef filet coverd with special spices)

Zeitoun / Masline verzi / Green olives

Kabis moushakal / Muraturi asortate / Mixed marinated picklesMakdous (vinete umplute cu nuca, pasta de ardei si condimente / marinated pickles eggplant filled with wallnuts, mild pepper and spices)