Art Implant-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti

Restaurari Dentare

Dintii fracturati


A veneer can make a chipped tooth look intact again. The porcelain covers the whole of the front of the tooth with a thicker section replacing the broken part.

        Bonding:sometimes instead of a porcelain veneer, a natural colour 'composite' material is used.

A natural-coloured filling material can be used for minor repairs to front teeth like chipped or broken tooth corners.

A natural-coloured filling material can be used for minor repairs to front teeth like chipped or broken tooth corners.


Restaurari Coronare


A crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth.

A crown is sometimes known as a 'cap'. Crowns are an ideal restoration for teeth that have been broken, or have been weakened by decay or a very large filling.

They can be made of porcelain or gold or a combination of these materials.

A dental crown could be used for a number of other reasons, for instance:

  • you may have discoloured fillings and would like to improve the appearance of the tooth
  • you may have had a root filling which will need a crown to protect it
  • it may help hold a bridge or denture firmly in place.