60.000 €

Pajura, Sector 1

  • Suprafata 36 mp
  • An 1975
  • Decomandat
  • Etaj 5 din 10
  • Jiului - Ascensor ...18 min.
  • Calculeaza distanta
Sector 1, 26 sep, 07:13

Descriere anunt

Pajura, Sector 1

Garsoniera nou finisata, complet mobilata, TV smart, A/C, frigi, mas spalat, etc in Pajura, langa Metrou, K-land etc. Se inchiriaza cu 350 euro/luna, producind 7% la investitia initiala

Caracteristici, dotari

Optiuni interior
Aer conditionat
Instalatii sanitare noi
Izolatie termica
Renovat recent
Usa metalica
Optiuni exterior
Reabilitat termic
Structura beton

Acces mijloace transport

Statii metrou Timp
Jiului - Ascensor 18 min.

Statii STB Timp
Cartier Dămăroaia
4 min.
7 min.
Depozit Pajura
112 ,331
8 min.
112 ,331
8 min.
16 min.

Obiective interes

1. Wings - Centru Educational Bucuresti 0730170389; 0726353003 Str. Neajlovului, nr. 8, sector 1
2. Ruffy Strumfi - Gradinita, Bucuresti 0721305824 Str. Pietei, Nr. 5, sector 1
3. Apple Tree Kindergarten, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0213302011; 0756151434 Str. Maicanesti, Nr. 22, sector 1, Bucuresti
4. Ursuletul - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0765472054 Str. Diaconu Coresi, Nr. 1, sector 1, Bucuresti
5. Genesis College, Gradinita si Scoala primara - Bucuresti 0724505889 Sos. Straulesti, nr. 89A, sector 1, Bucuresti
6. Kids Room - Servicii de before si after school, Ilfov 0732165558 Strada Mitropolit Andrei Saguna, Nr. 46 A Bucuresti-Noi, judetul Ilfov
7. Iboo - Gradinita Bucuresti 0770325689; 0773975780 Bd. Expozitiei, nr. 2, sector 1
8. Equilibrum - Gradinita Bucuresti 0724064503; 0724862068 Bd. Expozitiei, Nr. 2, Sector 1
9. FourKids - Before School si After School Bucuresti 0765589081; 0771183397 Str. Munteniei, nr. 80, Sector 1
10. Teko - Gradinita 0753093322 Drumul Eugen Brote, nr. 29-31, vila 2, sector 1
11. Montessori Universe - Gradinita Bucuresti 0723668084 Str. Sergent Petre Aurelian, nr. 12, sector 1
12. Fata din Dafin - Gradinita Bucuresti 0723669539 Str. Garlei nr. 45 A, Sector 1, Nr 8, Sector 1
13. Gradinita lui Matei - Bucuresti 0770144739 Sos.Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti, Nr. 40, Sector 1, Bucuresti
14. Tichiuta - Cresa, Gradinita Bucuresti 0212333661; 0727384401 Str. Garlei, nr. 64, sector 1
15. Gradinita nr. 222 Bucuresti 0721345993; 0216673480 Str. Arad, nr. 38 , sector 1
16. Sunshine Edu - After School Bucuresti 0741123340 Str. Lt. Av. Vasile Fuica, nr. 42, Sector 1
17. Smart Kids - Scoala Gimnaziala, Scoala Primara si Gradinita Bucuresti 0745022714 Str. C-tin Dobrogeanu Gherea, Nr. 22A, Sector 1, Bucuresti
18. Scoala Gimnaziala, Gradinita si After School Nr. 181 - Bucuresti 0213105599 Str. Nazarcea, Nr. 30, Sector 1, Bucuresti
19. Academia Einstein Afterschool & Beforeschool Bucuresti 0734193424 Str. Somesul Rece, nr. 9, Sector 1
20. Brightivity Montessori - Gradinita, Bucuresti 0753111065 Str. Somesul Rece, Nr. 9 Sector 1
21. Karin\'s Kids Academy - Gradinita Bucuresti 0212250005 Str. Hermann Oberth, Nr. 33, Sector 1, Bucuresti
22. Rose Mary - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0747179897 Str. Baneasa, Nr. 27B, vila 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
23. After School Sector 1 0747179897 Str. Baneasa, Nr. 27, Sector 1, Bucuresti
24. Kids Club Baneasa, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0746030320 Str. Neagoe Voda, Nr. 58, Sector 1, Bucuresti
25. Avenor - Gradinita Bucuresti 0737043475 Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 65, sector 1
26. Hänsel und Gretel - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0212247704; 0743332447 Str. Mr. Av. Stefan Sanatescu, Nr. 19, sector 1, Bucuresti
27. Gradinita nr. 283 Bucuresti 0212322093 Bd. Ficusului, nr. 25, sector 1
28. Young Academics - AfterSchool Bucuresti 0755095974 Str. Trotusului, nr. 39, sector 1
29. Innababy - Cresa, gradinita, afterschool Bucuresti 0722403847 Str. Tintasului, Nr. 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
30. Genius - Afterschool Bucuresti 0745045180 Intrarea Craiovei, Nr. 21, Sector 6
31. Mary Poppins - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0212333868; 0723597206; 0745285826 Str. Aron Cotrus, Nr. 69 E, Sector 1, Bucuresti
32. Ingenius Club - After School Bucuresti 0729164275; 0733975456 Str. Virgil Plesoianu, nr. 108, sector 1
33. Le Carrousel - Gradinita in limba franceza Bucuresti 0745101783 Str. Grigore Gafencu, nr. 14, sector 1
34. Cami Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0757402573; 0749018642 Str. Carol Knappe, Nr. 45, Sector 1, Bucuresti
35. Cami - Gradinita particulara si afterschool Bucuresti 0757402573 Str. Carol Knappe, nr. 45,sector 1, Bucuresti
36. Gradinita nr. 97 Bucuresti 0212241162 Str. Islaz, nr. 13, Sector 1
37. Smart & Fun After School Crangasi 0765518746; 0766891844 Intr. Sipetului, Nr. 3, Sector 6
38. Gradinita lui David - Bucuresti 0751103010; 0769245552 Intr. Catedrei, Nr. 10, sector 1, Bucuresti
39. Montessori Orizonturi Libere - Gradinita si scoala, Bucuresti 0726766663; 0733914286; 0787829354 Str. Unditei, nr. 11, Sector 1
40. Gradinita nr. 40 sector 6 0212203340 Str. Tabla Butii, nr. 60, sector 6
41. Alegra, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0746167291 Str. Finta, Nr. 25, Sector 6, Bucuresti
42. Gradinita Quiz 0751425562 Str. Abrud, nr. 134-136, sector 1
43. Best Preschool - Gradinita, Bucuresti 0751967967 Str. Jandarmeriei, Nr. 14, Sector 1, Stejarii Clubul Rezidential.
44. The Little Artist - Gradinita Bucuresti 0737365283; 0743814767; 0722680765 Str. Ing. Zablovschi, Nr. 7, Sector 1, Bucuresti
45. Happy Angel Academy - Cresa, Gradinita, Afterschool 0743344344; 0745515253 Strada Smaranda Braescu, nr.36, sector 1
46. Montessori Kids at work - Gradinita Bucuresti 0723357063 Str. Smaranda Braescu, nr. 40A-42, sector 1
47. Go Kids Go - Before and After-School Bucuresti 0723076434; 0766480774 Str. Clucerului, nr. 21, sector 1
48. Bergman Nature Kindergarten - Bucuresti 0743918743 Str. Elena Caragiani, Nr. 21C, sector 1
49. Sfera Kinderzentrum - Gradinita, Before & After School Bucuresti 0728024897 Calea Grivitei, nr. 194, sector 1
50. Rocket Kids - Gradinita si Cresa germana Bucuresti 0764167346; 0763667155 Sos. Bucuresti - Targoviste, Nr. 22E, Sector 1, Bucuresti
51. Teddybar - Gradinita, Bucuresti 0212224455; 0723048602 Str. Soimarestilor, nr. 29, sector 1, Bucuresti
52. Good Family - Gradinita Bucuresti 0748224225 Str. Nicolae Filimon, Nr. 73A, sector 6
53. Fulg de Nea - Gradinita sector 6 0212203132 Sos. Ciurel, Nr. 9-11, sector 6
54. Gradinita din Povesti - Bucuresti 0724987747 Str. Costache Marinescu, Nr. 1A, Sector 1
55. Smiley Kindergarten, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0314366138; 0722541744 Str. Gabriel Cioran, nr. 6, sector 6,
56. Pitiricky - Clubul celor mici - Bucuresti 0724648513 Str. Ialomicioarei , Nr. 13, Sector 1, Bucuresti
57. Monteclaris - Gradinita, before si afterschool Bucuresti 0724671560; 0784606075 Str. Maria Hagi Moscu, Nr. 29, Sector 1
58. Mickey\'s House - Before & After School sector 6 0785539018 Str. Pietrele Doamnei, nr. 18, Sector 6
59. Gradinita Nr. 248 Bucuresti 0212224120 Str. Artur Vartejeanu, Nr. 15, Sector 1
60. Aristokids, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0722648885 Str. Lebedei, Nr. 25, Sector 1, Bucuresti
61. Oskar - Before&After School Bucuresti 0734040227; 0730948470 Str. Monetariei, nr. 12, sector 1
62. Steaua Nordului - Before and Afterschool Bucuresti 0745040940 Str. Andrei Muresanu, nr. 27, sector 1
63. Sofia - Gradinita Bucuresti 0721006006; 0212311505 Str. Sofia, Nr. 20, Sector 1
64. Gradinita Nr. 251 Bucuresti 0212301417 Str. Venezuela, nr. 11, sector 1
65. Creative Minds Kindergarten - Gradinita Bucuresti 0726152551 Str. Alexandru Deparateanu, nr. 38, sector 1
66. Gradinita nr. 206 - Gradinita cu program prelungit Bucuresti 0212229287 Str. Constantin Disescu, nr. 37, sector 1
67. Die Biene Maja - Gradinita in limba germana Bucuresti 0722226252 Sos. Odaii, Nr. 227A, Sector 1, Bucuresti
68. Analesia - Gradinita & AfterSchool in limba germana Bucuresti 0741332222; 0741332226 Str. Paris, nr. 57, sector 1
69. Voinicel - Gradinita Chitila 0213616024 Sos. Banatului, Nr. 2Bis, Chitila, judetul Ilfov
70. LTN Liceul Teoretic National - Gradinita, Gimnaziu, Liceu - Bucuresti 0720000171; 0732151931 Str. Dr. Iacob Felix, nr. 49, Sector 1, Bucuresti
71. Olga Gudynn, Gradinita si Scoala Floreasca - Bucuresti 0734411359; 0212311202 Str. Ancuta Baneasa, Nr. 8, sector 1, Bucuresti
72. Kids Cloud - Gradinita Bucuresti 0765734696 Sos. Bucuresti - Ploiesti, nr. 135 M, Sector 1
73. Happy Kids - Gradinita si after school Bucuresti 0770708392 Str. Scoala Floreasca, Nr. 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
74. LifeKids Club Afterschool 0774458673 Str. Crisul Repede, nr. 28, sector 6
75. Elly\'s - Before & After School sector 6 0763188937 Str. Cetatea de Balta, nr. 155, Sector 6
76. Zum Zum - Gradinita Bucuresti 0745685556; 0740704922 Str. Vespasian, Nr. 37, Sector 1, Bucuresti
77. Orhideea Kids - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0748595311 Calea Plevnei, Nr. 145B, sector 1, Bucuresti
78. Albinuta - Gradinita sector 2 0212303377 Str. Dinu Lipatti, nr. 1, sector 2
79. Sfantul Stelian - Gradinita, afterschool Ilfov 0734087549; 0737012035 Str. Marasesti, Nr. 2, Sat Rosu, Com. Chiajna
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